
Coronavirus Live News and Updates - The New York Times
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At a House hearing, Dr. Anthony S. Fauci contradicted President Trump, saying that neither he nor any other officials he knew of had been asked by the president to slow coronavirus testing.CreditCredit...Pool photo via Getty Images

Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, told House lawmakers that the nation is experiencing a “disturbing surge” of coronavirus infections as states reopen too quickly and without adequate plans for testing and tracing the contacts of those infected.

In a break with President Trump’s relentlessly positive assessments of the pandemic’s trajectory in the United States, Dr. Fauci told the house Energy and Commerce Committee that the picture is a “mixed bag,” with some bright spots but many dark clouds and unknowns. Some states like New York, are “doing very well” in controlling the spread of the virus, he said, but called the surge in other states “very troublesome to me.”

“The next couple of weeks are going to be critical in our ability to address those surges we are seeing in Florida, Texas, Arizona, and other states,” Dr. Fauci told the panel as he and other leaders of the White House coronavirus task force appeared together for the first time in more than a month to brief Congress.

While deaths from the virus have been dropping over the past few days, he added, it is too soon to tell whether the numbers mean anything, saying that “deaths always lag considerably behind cases,” and that the trend may reverse itself. The hearing comes as the United States accounted for 20 percent of all the new cases worldwide on Sunday, according to New York Times data.

In their testimony, the officials said they had made progress in confronting the virus, including toward a vaccine that Dr. Fauci said he was “cautiously optimistic” could be ready by early next year and expanding the availability of testing in doctor’s offices by late fall. But they also made clear they did not agree with Mr. Trump, who last week claimed in an interview with Fox News that the virus would simply “fade away.”

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At a House hearing, Dr. Anthony S. Fauci and Dr. Robert R. Redfield told lawmakers that it was vital that Americans continue to take precautions to prevent against spreading coronavirus.CreditCredit...Al Drago for The New York Times

Dr. Robert R. Redfield, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, called the pandemic “the greatest public health crisis our nation and world have confronted in a century,” and warned that the outbreak would coincide with flu season later this year, straining hospitals and health workers. Getting a flu shot, he said, would be even more important this year.

“This single act will save lives,” he said.

The doctors were also grilled on Mr. Trump’s claim at a campaign rally on Saturday in Tulsa, Okla., that he had asked “my people” to “slow the testing down” because increased screening was revealing more infections, making the country look bad.

Dr. Fauci contradicted the president, saying that neither he nor any other officials he knew of had been asked by the president to slow testing, and that they planned to do the opposite.

“In fact, we will be doing more testing,” Dr. Fauci said, adding that more surveillance of new cases would help “understand exactly what is going on in community spread.”

Later in the hearing, Adm. Brett P. Giroir, once the administration’s testing “czar,” backed up Dr. Fauci, saying that he had not been instructed to slow testing.

“We are proceeding in just the opposite — we want to do more testing and of higher quality,” he said. “The only way that we will be able to understand who has the disease, who is infected, and can pass it, and to do appropriate contact tracing is to test appropriately, smartly, and as many people as we can.”

Dr. Redfield said expanded testing was particularly important because of the asymptomatic nature of many coronavirus infections.

Shortly before the hearing began, Mr. Trump took to Twitter to complain that he was not getting credit for his response to the virus, noting that Dr. Fauci, “who is with us in all ways,” has “a very high 72% Approval rating.” The approval rating for the president, who is known to track his own popularity closely, is 41 percent, according to the latest figures by the polling analysis website FiveThirtyEight.

Credit...Al Drago for The New York Times

Two of the nation’s top health officials expressed concern on Tuesday about Mr. Trump’s decision late last month to withdraw from the World Health Organization, but said that they had maintained longstanding relationships with the W.H.O. even as the White House has moved to punish it over its relationship with China.

In their congressional testimony, Mr. Fauci and Mr. Redfield said that they were not consulted on the withdrawal, but that they remained in close touch with the organization.

“Despite any policy issues that come from higher up in the White House, we at the operational level continue to interact with the W.H.O. in a very meaningful way, literally on a day by day basis,” Dr. Fauci said, adding that he was still on a weekly call with the organization that puts him in touch with international medical officials.

Mr. Trump’s move to withdraw was one part of a broad effort to retaliate against China and assign blame over the origins of the virus. Like some Republican lawmakers, he has portrayed the W.H.O. as a puppet of the Chinese Communist Party.

Dr. Redfield said that Mr. Trump’s decision has potential financial consequences for the W.H.O., but said that the C.D.C. has been able to circumvent those.

“We have the ability to provide funding to the operation through different mechanisms, so we can continue the public health work that we need to get done,” he said. “We continue working at the technical scientist-to-scientist level.”

Credit...Etienne Laurent/EPA, via Shutterstock

European countries rushing to revive their economies and reopen borders after months of restrictions are prepared to block Americans from entering because the United States has failed to control the pandemic, according to draft lists of acceptable travelers seen by The New York Times.

That prospect, which would lump American visitors in with Russians and Brazilians as unwelcome, is a stinging blow to American prestige and a tacit repudiation of President Trump’s handling of the virus. The United States has more than 2.3 million cases and upward of 120,000 deaths, more than any other country.

Matina Stevis-Gridneff, our Brussels correspondent, reports that members of the European Union are still haggling over two potential lists of acceptable visitors based on how countries are faring with the virus. But both include China and developing nations like Uganda, Cuba and Vietnam — and neither includes the United States.

Travelers from the United States and the rest of the world have been excluded from visiting the European Union — with few exceptions mostly for repatriations or “essential travel” — since mid-March. A final decision on reopening the borders is expected early next week.

A ban on American visitors reflects the shifting pattern of the pandemic.

In March, when Europe was the epicenter, Mr. Trump infuriated European leaders by banning citizens from most E.U. countries from traveling to the United States. He said the move was necessary to protect Americans.

In late May and early June, Mr. Trump said Europe was “making progress” and hinted that some restrictions would be lifted soon. But nothing has happened.

Today, Europe has largely curbed the outbreak, even as the United States has seen infections surge in just the past week.

Banning American travelers would have significant economic, cultural and geopolitical ramifications. Millions of American tourists visit Europe every summer, and business travel is common.


Credit...Robert F. Bukaty/Associated Press

More than half of the United States is seeing an increase in cases weeks after parts of the country reopened, and now some state officials are slowing return-to-work plans and, in some cases, reimposing earlier restrictions.

Texas reported another daily record, of more than 5,000 new infections on Tuesday, prompting renewed warnings from Gov. Greg Abbott, a Republican, who urged residents to stay home during an interview with the television station KBTX.

“Because the spread is so rampant right now, there is never a reason for you to have to leave your home unless you do need to go out,” he said. “The safest place for you is at your home.”

The governor said that he was trying to get Texans to grasp the magnitude of the outbreak.

“There remain a lot of people in the state of Texas who think the spread of Covid-19 is really not a challenge,” he said.

In Maine, indoor bars won’t be reopening as planned. In Louisiana, occupancy limits will remain in place. And in Riley County, Kan., where case numbers grew more than 50 percent over the past week, officials said they would tighten restrictions on mass gatherings.

“I think we may have let our guard down a little bit,” said Julie Gibbs, the Riley County health officer. Several athletes at Kansas State University, which is in the county, have tested positive in recent days, and a majority of new cases have been in young adults.

Louisiana logged another 393 new cases on Monday, a trend seen after a period of sustained declines. Gov. John Bel Edwards, a Democrat, said it was not yet safe for businesses to reopen more fully. He noted that about 90 percent of new cases were coming from community spread, not nursing homes or other group living facilities.

“It is clear that Covid is alive and well in Louisiana, and as we see more people testing positive and admitted to hospitals, we simply are not ready to move to the next phase,” Mr. Edwards said.

In Maine, as in most of the Northeast, case numbers have continued to decline. But officials said clusters at restaurants and bars in other states caused them to retreat from plans to reopen bars for indoor service on July 1.

“As we learn more about how the virus spreads, duration and density — specifically, being in close quarters inside, as is the case with most bars — clearly elevate the risk of virus transmission,” said Dr. Nirav D. Shah, director of the Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In other news from around the United States:

  • The business world reacted angrily after Mr. Trump temporarily suspended work visas and barred more than half a million foreigners from coming to work in the United States. The move is part of a broad effort by the administration to significantly limit entry into the country during the economic downturn caused by the pandemic.

  • Black people have been hospitalized for Covid-19 four times more than white people, new data released on Monday by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services found. The data reinforced the many public accounts of the disparities in access to health care and treatment outcomes faced by black people during the pandemic.

  • A former director of the C.D.C., Dr. Julie Gerberding, warned a Senate committee Tuesday that the pandemic is “a harbinger of things to come,” and said there is no guarantee that a single vaccine will protect everyone from infection.

  • In Florida, the Department of Health reported nearly 3,300 new cases on Tuesday, pushing the state’s total to 103,503. Since the state began reopening in May, cases have dramatically increased. On Tuesday, Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, said bars and restaurants will be able to continue to operate, but those that fail to limit capacity to 50 percent or follow other guidelines will “get a visit from the grim reaper in terms of business licenses.”

  • Michigan’s governor asked an appeal court on Tuesday to put a hold on a federal judge’s order that will allow indoor gyms to open throughout the state. Last week a federal judge agreed with the plaintiffs that the state did not provide sufficient justification for keeping gyms closed in all but the least populated parts of the state. The governor’s motion asks that the ruling not be put into effect until an appeal by the state is decided

  • Kentucky, New York and Virginia are holding primary elections on Tuesday. The number of voters casting absentee ballots has risen sharply because of the pandemic, and the results of key races may not be known on Tuesday night as a result. Here’s what to watch for.

  • In New Jersey, amusement parks, water parks and playgrounds will reopen on July 2, the governor said Tuesday. Amusement parks and water parks must stay at 50 percent capacity, masks have to be worn when social distancing is not possible, and people must stay six feet apart in lines. The state reported 57 additional virus-related deaths. In New York State, there were 27 additional deaths, the governor said Tuesday.

  • Citing the pandemic’s spread in federal prisons, Roger J. Stone Jr., Mr. Trump’s longtime friend and adviser, asked a federal judge for a two-month delay before he is forced to begin serving a 40-month sentence. Mr. Stone’s sentence is set to begin next week after his conviction on seven felonies committed in a bid to thwart a congressional inquiry that threatened Mr. Trump. Mr. Stone said that prosecutors had indicated they did not oppose the request.

  • The University of Michigan said Tuesday it would withdraw from hosting a presidential debate on Oct. 15, citing concerns about bringing large numbers of national and international media and campaign officials to the campus in Ann Arbor amid the pandemic

Credit...Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Saudi Arabia announced Tuesday that only about 1,000 people will be allowed to perform the annual hajj pilgrimage at the end of July, signaling the effective cancellation of one of the world’s largest gatherings of Muslims.

Saudi officials already said Monday that the hajj would be limited to Muslim residents in Saudi Arabia, who last year accounted for over one-quarter of the 2.5 million people who performed the pilgrimage, as a measure to prevent the spread of the virus.

But the updated restrictions announced Monday — allowing a tiny fraction of the usual crowd — amounted to a declaration that this year’s hajj will be a token showing.

“This is a very precise process,” the Hajj Minister, Mohammad Benten, told reporters. “We are working with health ministry experts and organizers to guarantee safe pilgrimage.”

Saudi Arabia is suffering from one of the largest virus outbreaks in the Middle East, with 161,000 cases and 1,346 deaths. Although the rate of infections has risen in recent days, the authorities lifted a nationwide curfew to allow economic activity to resume but they retained a ban on international travel.

Pilgrims permitted to perform the hajj this year will have to be under 65 years of age and in good health, said the health minister Tawfiq Al-Rabiah. They will be required to undergo a virus test in advance and to self-quarantine after they return home.

The announcement sent a wave of sadness across Muslim communities where some had hoped it would still be possible to travel this year. “I am heartbroken, sad and disappointed but what can one do?” said Qari Ali Gul, who runs a seminary in Peshawar, Pakistan. “This must be the will of God.”

Global Roundup

Credit...Henry Romero/Reuters

The virus was always going to hit Latin America hard. Experts warned that the region’s combustible blend of inequality, densely packed cities, legions of informal workers living day to day, and health care systems starved of resources could undermine even the best attempts to curb the pandemic.

But by brushing off the dangers, fumbling the response, dismissing scientific or expert guidance, withholding data and simply denying the extent of the outbreak altogether, some governments have made matters even worse and Latin America has quickly become a focal point.

Unlike parts of Asia, Europe and the hardest-hit U.S. cities, the virus is only gaining steam across the region. Deaths have more than doubled across Latin America in a month, according to the Pan American Health Organization, and the region now accounts for several of the world’s worst outbreaks.

And as the virus storms through the region, corruption has flourished, the already intense political polarization in some countries has deepened, and some governments have curtailed civil rights. Economies already stretched thin before the virus lie on the precipice of ruin.

Not all is dire in the region. Nations like Uruguay and Costa Rica seem to have avoided the worst so far, while an almost military-style health care intervention in Cuba has left the island nation in better standing than most.

In other news from around the world:

  • In Germany, the governor of the state of North Rhein-Westphalia announced on Tuesday a temporary lockdown of Gütersloh, the district that includes a pork processing plant which has registered 1,550 new infections since last week. Later in the day, the state’s health minister declared that a neighboring district to the west, Warendorf, would also go back into lockdown.

  • Novak Djokovic, the world’s top-ranked male tennis player, said on Tuesday that he had tested positive, after days of growing criticism about an exhibition tournament he organized where other players were also found to be infected.

  • As the annual dog meat festival in the southern Chinese city of Yulin got underway this week, a fast-growing network of activists are using the pandemic as an opportunity to push legislation banning the consumption of dog and cat meats.

    After the national government suspended the sale of wildlife in February, two southern Chinese cities became the first to ban the consumption of cats and dogs. Last month, the Ministry of Agriculture, in a major step, removed dogs from its list of approved domesticated livestock, referring to dogs for the first time as “companion animals.”

  • Singapore’s prime minister announced that the city-state would hold the first elections in Southeast Asia since the pandemic began.

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Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain announced that he would lift many restrictions, clearing the way for pubs and restaurants to reopen soon.CreditCredit...Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Three months after reluctantly and belatedly imposing a lockdown on England, Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain announced on Tuesday that he would lift many restrictions — most significantly, cutting the required social distance between people in half, to one meter, or about three feet.

Declaring that “our long national hibernation is beginning to come to an end,” Mr. Johnson cleared the way for the reopening of pubs, restaurants, hotels and museums in England on July 4, which will bring the country closer in line with Germany, Italy and other European countries.

But scientists, including some who advise the government, warned that reducing the required social distance would substantially raise the risk of spreading the virus in a country that is still reporting nearly 1,000 new infections a day.

Mr. Johnson is yielding to intense pressure, even from members of his own Conservative Party, to restart the British economy and return society to a semblance of normalcy. The government’s scientific advisers signed off on the change, though not without reservations and anguished debate.

In a study released this month, the government’s scientific advisory group, known as SAGE, estimated that reducing the so-called two-meter rule to one meter could increase the rate of transmission anywhere from two to 10 times.

Those risks would be mitigated, it said, if people wore face coverings and avoided prolonged face-to-face contact. Transmission is far less likely outdoors, which is why pubs and restaurants will be required to install plastic screens, provide adequate ventilation and collect contact information from customers. Face coverings are already mandatory on public transportation.

Credit...Ross D. Franklin/Associated Press

Mr. Trump is visiting one of the nation’s biggest megachurches on Tuesday to speak to thousands of Arizona college students gathering to support his re-election. With cases sharply increasing in the state, some public health experts say the gathering is a potential disaster.

Arizona has been struggling with a sharp rise in community spread since Gov. Doug Ducey moved relatively early in May to lift stay-at-home orders.

On Tuesday, the Arizona Department of Health Services said the state had 3,591 new cases, eclipsing the record set Friday when 3,246 cases were reported in a single day. There were also 42 deaths, raising the state’s toll to 1,384. And the state reported records for the number of people hospitalized with the virus, in intensive care and on ventilators.

The church hosting the president’s event claimed to offer a solution: A system installed in the building’s ventilation system, it said Sunday, cleans the air and “kills 99.9 percent of Covid within 10 minutes.”

The technology was developed by a local company whose owners also happened to be members of the church, a pastor at Dream City Church said in a Facebook post that has since been removed.

“So when you come into our auditorium, 99 percent of Covid is gone, killed, if it was there in the first place” the pastor, Luke Barnett, said in a video. “You can know when you come here, you’ll be safe and protected. Thank God for great technology and thank God for being proactive.”

Still, anyone who registered for the event was required to sign a waiver.

Using charged ions to remove airborne pollutants is not new, and such a system could help cleanse the church’s air, but certainly without the rapidity claimed, experts said. And it would not guarantee safety.

The handling of the pandemic by Governor Ducey, a Republican, has come under intense criticism by Democratic leaders in the state’s largest cities. Until last week, he resisted allowing mayors to make wearing wear masking mandatory in their cities.

Mayor Kate Gallego of Phoenix, a Democrat, repeatedly criticized the megachurch event, saying in a statement on Monday that “It does not abide by C.D.C. guidelines during Covid-19.”

“Public health is a group effort, not a partisan issue,” the mayor said. “It requires the participation of every resident and every level of government.”

Credit...Pool photo by Laurent Cipriani, via Associated Press

A French drugmaker plans to accelerate clinical trials of a coronavirus vaccine in the hope of earning approval for it by the first half of next year.

The drugmaker, Sanofi, announced the plan on Tuesday. The company and its partner, GlaxoSmithKline, had originally projected that a vaccine would be available — at the earliest — in the latter half of the year.

The announcement reflects the company’s eagerness to catch up with some of its competitors, which initiated vaccine trials earlier than it did.

The Sanofi-GSK vaccine contains a laboratory-synthesized version of the virus’s “spike” protein, which protrudes from the surface of the virus and is crucial to its ability to enter host cells.

This so-called recombinant vaccine is also formulated with one of GSK’s proprietary adjuvants, compounds that can boost the body’s immune response to a foreign onslaught. In theory, that may give the vaccine more staying power.

Originally scheduled for December, a combined Phase I/II clinical trial for the vaccine will now begin in September. The goal is to have the recombinant vaccine fully licensed by June.

On Tuesday, in his testimony before the House committee, Dr. Fauci spoke of the long road to developing a vaccine. Paradoxically, he suggested that the better controlled the pandemic is through other measures, the longer that road may be.

“If it turns out there are not a lot of cases, it may take longer,” Dr. Fauci said. “That is why you cannot get an accurate prediction of when you’re going to get that data.”

Credit...Anna Moneymaker for The New York Times

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on Tuesday that he could foresee another economic stimulus package passing in Congress by the end of July and said he is considering extending the tax filing deadline beyond the current July 15 date.

Speaking at an investing conference sponsored by Bloomberg, Mr. Mnuchin said that he would like to see the next stimulus legislation be more targeted to help individuals and businesses that have been hit hardest by the pandemic. He also downplayed the likelihood of major infrastructure investment being included in such a bill, noting that building roads and bridges would not necessarily help displaced workers get rehired quickly.

The comments came after Mr. Mnuchin told Senate Republicans on Tuesday that he agreed with the conference’s plans to wait until late July to address another relief package, as well as another round of stimulus checks to American taxpayers.

Mr. Mnuchin also contradicted earlier remarks made by Peter Navarro, a top White House economics adviser, that the Trump administration was willing to consider a $2 trillion package. He told senators that those comments were not representative of the administration’s position, according to two people familiar with the discussion, but unauthorized to disclose it publicly.

The Treasury secretary is considering other ways to offer relief to Americans who are still struggling. Mr. Mnuchin said at the Bloomberg event that he currently does not plan to extend Tax Day beyond the already delayed deadline July 15, but when asked if it could be pushed back to September 15, he said that was something he is considering.

As classes — such as they are — come to an end, parents across the country are facing burnout. Here are some tips on how to survive the summer from child development experts and parents.

  • Remember that having some kind of structure to the day is essential, and that structure doesn’t need to feel confining.

  • Consider writing down one thing you did well as a parent every day.

  • Try sitting down as a family and dividing activities/chores into categories: the nonnegotiable and the merely desirable.

  • Consider the risks of the virus, but also the risks to your mental health when it comes to making decisions about child care.

  • Form a “quarantine pod” with another family so that you can occasionally take each other’s kids.

Reporting was contributed by Azam Ahmed, Jes Aznar, Hannah Beech, Aurelien Breeden, Stephen Castle, Kenneth Chang, Julie Creswell, Maria Cramer, Reid J. Epstein, Thomas Erdbrink, Luis Ferré-Sadurní, Matthew Haag, Ben Hubbard, Mike Ives, Miriam Jordan, Annie Karni, Ismail Khan, Tyler Kepner, Anatoly Kurmanaev, Sharon LaFraniere, Mark Landler, Ernesto Londoño, Alex Marshall, Jonathan Martin, Patricia Mazzei, Jennifer Medina, Sarah Mervosh, Heather Murphy, Elian Peltier, Daniel Politi, Alan Rappeport, Simon Romero, Dagny Salas, Christopher F. Schuetze, Michael D. Shear, Natasha Singer, Mitch Smith, Matt Stevens, Matina Stevis-Gridneff, Sheryl Gay Stolberg, Eileen Sullivan, Lucy Tompkins, Hisako Ueno, Neil Vigdor, Declan Walsh, Noah Weiland, Katherine J. Wu and Elaine Yu.

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